Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos

Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos
Blog aku bertemakan 'warna-warna kehidupan'...confirm mata korang berjalur-jalur huhu...

Kratos's Clock Machine

Friday, October 22, 2010

"W h E n  L  O  V  E H  A  T  E C o L i D e S"

nothing much to describe..the only thing that i know is, we live happily ever after yeaaa...

hahaha no comment..but i think there's a bit of "dictator" element in this photo.

"semerah padi" is the most suitable theme for this friend Fahmi (photographer)
mentioned that i have to act fiercely to make this picture "alive"...hurmmm...could be!

"Ares....destroy my enemies,and my life is yours"
- Kratos-