Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos

Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos
Blog aku bertemakan 'warna-warna kehidupan'...confirm mata korang berjalur-jalur huhu...

Kratos's Clock Machine

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Between Lovely & Lonely

"when a man loves a woman he can trade everything...huhu
Kratos and Titan can't be the ancient's Greek
history told that the connection between Titan(God of Gods)
and the ordinary God such Ares,Zeus,Athena,Poseidon and even
Kratos (hehe..adapted from God of war) is mortal and strong
and that is why i always love my Titan..(my wife)"

This photo was taken at Jesco butterworh.As we can see
sit on the left is my friend and used to be my ultimate 
warrior and consiglier (advisor).probably he is my best friend and
my great-great neighbor hahahaha..on my left is my only lovely,
gorgeous wife...anyway...i love you guys!!