Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos

Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos
Blog aku bertemakan 'warna-warna kehidupan'...confirm mata korang berjalur-jalur huhu...

Kratos's Clock Machine

Monday, October 25, 2010

M A N     best     F R I E N D

salam...first of all i wanna many men never get smoked?or never buy a pack of cigarettes???huhu for me cigarette is a man best friend kot???hahaha i don't know..but sometimes it helps but...for certain people it NEVER HELPS..but for me every piece of the cigarette told a different story or memory..hurmmm...belive me or not, the important thing is..i am a smoker and i know that experience hahaha..but my advice is...don't smoking or don't start kills!!!huhu