Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos

Inside and Outside of Mr.Kratos
Blog aku bertemakan 'warna-warna kehidupan'...confirm mata korang berjalur-jalur huhu...

Kratos's Clock Machine

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

They want me to climb higher...and then i ask them.."how high?"

This picture was taken at Langkawi the first time i thought that 'the seventh well' was not as high as the odds told me before..hahahaha that was the funniest experience when my wife and i decided to climb over...she asks me..."can i wear my high heel to conquer the top of the mountain??"...with a big smile i say..."yeah sayang...i think that would be nice if you wear that high heel...beside there is no thing to worry about.."and then we noticed that our expedition was a hard one and it took about one and half hours to reach to the top..and i decide to went down...sooooo tireddd...